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- Box out: Safe Hex International
- SHI are an international group, dedicated to trying to stop
- the spread of computer viruses. In their own words, SHI is a
- grass roots movement, tarted in 1987 with Amiga computers.
- Today we are an organisation with around 600 members, who
- are all more or less involved with the project. It's a
- non-profit making organisation.
- The SHI motto is: "Safe Hex", and the facilities they
- provide include a virus bank containing more than 1800 Amiga
- and PC viruses for supporting good shareware antivirus
- programs, helping people to get money back lost by virus
- infection, releasing the newest and the best virus killers
- around from wellknown programmers worldwide.
- There are more than 35 PC and Amiga "Virus Centers"
- worldwide where you can get free virus help by phoning our
- "Hotline", and get the newest killers translated in your own
- language at very little cost reflecting the Fred Fish
- prices.
- SHI have their own World Wide Web site at http: (oops lost
- it, I'll send it in about ten minutes)
- Box out: Recommended Anti-Virus programs
- These programs make use of the special SHI anti-virus
- libraries, and are therefore recommended. You can obtain
- them from the Aminet (either the Internet version, the
- CDROMs or any BBS which keeps the CDROMs on-line) or from
- public domain libraries.
- * Virus Checker by Johan Veldthuis
- * Virus Scanner by Gabriele Greco
- * Fides Professional by John Lohmeyer
- * Fides Checker by John Lohmeyer
- * DMS by Michael Pendec, ParCon Software
- * D-Copy by Stefan Bernbo
- * X-Xopy by Cachet Software (commercial)
- * Disk Ute Copy by Alchemy Software.
- * Xtruder (a BBS!) viruskiller by Martin Wulffeld
- * Harboot virus analyser by Martin Harbo
- * Bootwriter by Ralf Thanner
- * MT-Copy by Gert-Jan Strik
- Here is a list of Amiga Viruses -- you might want to process
- the text and make it into a nice scarey backdrop texture for
- the article.
- AEK/Odie-CCW/MicroMaster
- Alien New Beat 1.0
- ASS Virus Protector 1.0
- Bamiga Sector 1 Belgium
- BGS9 1
- BGS9 2-Mutant
- Big Boss
- Blackflash 2.0
- Blade Runners
- Blizzard Protector 1.0
- Blizzard Protector 3.1
- Blowjob
- Bret Hawnes
- Butonic
- Butonic 1.31
- Butonic 3.00
- Byte Bandit 1
- Byte Bandit 2
- Byte Bandit 3
- Byte Bandit Error
- Byte Parasite II
- Byte Parasite III
- Byte Voyager 1
- Byte Voyager 2
- Byte Warrior 1
- Byte Warrior 2
- Centurion I
- Centurion II
- Claas Abraham
- CList
- Clonk
- Coder
- Color-Virus-Carrier
- DAT 89 1.25
- Deniz
- Destructor 1.2
- Digital Emotions
- Dirty Tricks
- Disaster Master 2
- Disk Guard 1.0
- Disk-Herpes
- Disk-Doktors 1.01
- Disk-Doktors 1.02
- Disk-Doktors 1.03
- Disk-Doktors 1.04
- Divina Exterminator I
- Divina Exterminator Ia
- Divina Exterminator II
- Dotty
- EuroMail Wurm.C/
- Extreme
- F.I.C.A
- Fast 1.
- Fast 2.
- Fast Eddie
- Fastloader Byte Warrior
- Forpib
- Freedom1
- French Kiss
- Frity 1.6.
- Future Disaster
- Gadaffi
- Glasnost
- Gotcha Lamer77
- Graffiti
- Gremlins
- GxTeam
- Gyros
- H.C.S. 4220 I
- H.C.S. 4220 II
- Hauke
- Hauke Exterminator I
- Hilly
- Hoden 33.17
- Icebreakers
- Iceman/IRQ
- Icon.Library
- Incognito
- Inger IQ.
- IRQ - Team 4.10
- IRQ Run1
- Joshua 1
- Joshua 2.1
- Joshua 2.2
- Julie / Tick
- Kauki
- Kefrens - SCA
- L.A.D.S
- Lamer Exterminator I
- Lamer Exterminator II 1
- Lamer Exterminator II 1a
- Lamer Exterminator II 1b
- Lamer Exterminator II 1c
- Lamer Exterminator II 2
- Lamer Exterminator III
- Lamer Exterminator IV
- Lamer Trojan Horse
- Lamer VirusX.1
- LamerStyle UK
- LHWarp.400/4
- Liberator 1.21.1
- LZ-Linkvirus.3
- Memcheck Liberator.1
- Mexx
- MicroSystems
- Morbid Angel
- Nasty-Nasty!
- No Bandit Anymore.
- Obelisk Crew I
- Obelisk Crew II
- Opapa
- Paradox I - Logic Bomb
- Paradox II.718
- Paramount
- Paratax I
- Paratax II
- Paratax III
- Pentagon V-Slayer 1
- Pentagon V-Slayer 1a
- Pentagon V-Slayer 1b
- Pentagon V-Slayer 2
- Pentagon V-Slayer 3
- Powerbomb: ByteBandit 2.0
- PowerPacker 3.2.13
- PVL Sound BootBlock
- Return Of The Lamer
- Revenge 1.2
- Revenge Bootloader
- Revenge Of The Lamer I
- Revenge Of The Lamer II
- Rip The Ripper
- Riska.
- Rude Xeroxx 2.0
- Sachsen 3.
- Saddam Hussein
- Saddam Hussein
- Santa Klaus - Twinz
- SCA - 2001
- SCA - Kefrens
- SCA 2
- Scarface II
- Sendarian 1
- Sinister Syndicate Logo
- StarFire/NorthStar 1
- StarFire/NorthStar 2
- StarFire/NorthStar 3
- Suntronic
- Superboy
- Switch Off
- System Z Protector 3.0
- System Z Protector 4.0
- System Z Protector 5.0
- System Z Protector 5.1
- System Z Protector 5.3
- System Z Protector 5.4
- System Z Protector 6.0
- System Z Protector 6.1
- System Z Protector 6.4
- System Z Protector 6.5
- Tai-Pan Chaos
- Tai-Pan LameBlame
- Target
- Termigator
- Terrorists
- The 16 Bit Crew
- The Amiga Freak
- The Australian Parasite
- The Incognito
- The Supply Team
- The Traveller 1.0
- The Travelling Jack 1
- The Travelling Jack 1a!.16
- The Travelling Jack 23
- Time Bomb 0.9
- Time Bomb 1.0 - Avirex
- Tomates-Gentechnic-Service
- TriSector 911
- Turk
- UK LamerStyle
- ULDV 8
- UltraFox
- Utility Boot 5.0
- Vermin
- Virus Blast 2.3same_
- Virus Blastersame/
- VirusKiller Profs. 2.0
- VirusKiller Virus
- Virus Slayer 1.0
- VirusTest
- Virus v4.2
- VKill 1.0 - AIDS
- VKill 2.0 - AIDS
- Waft
- Warhawk
- Warsaw
- X-Copy - SCA
- Xeno
- Zaccess 1.0
- Zaccess 2.0.
- Zombie I
- Picture of a Aminet
- caption: The Aminet is a huge resource of Amiga software,
- and those that look after it do an admirable job in keeping
- it virus free. It's also a great place to get anti-virus
- software.